Painting by Neva Bruce
So, we have arrived and survived the weekend of the first of our Masters Program. Whew.
My perceptions were as above. Challenging, muddling in the dark and in the rain, unsure of what to expect. Reading the shortened version of some of the assigned works has awakened many questions, topics of interest and calls into question our assumptions and our experience.
We are so fortunate to have been accepted into this program and to get the opportunity to work with such a diverse awesome group of peers and accomplished professors to further our learning, to challenge our knowledge, to improve our skill sets and eventually get us a formal piece of paper that acknowledges to the world we have completed a marathon of study.
I am interested in Health literacy, people and their support systems, challenging the norms and improving my writing, and garnering more information to arm myself to increase my own well being and the well being of others.
An artist among us! I love your work on this postcard Neva.